Logistics – Survival Of The Fastest

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Like UAE, China is rapidly advancing its logistics sector towards economic growth and vitalizing efficiency and employment opportunities within the industry. The Chinese government’s Belt and Road Initiative is leveraging the transportation network integrating it into the regional economy, and the building of a logistics hub in the region will usher in immense opportunities for international logistics companies, such as HashMove.

A highly reputable news source China Daily recently published an article on HashMove featuring its CEO & co-founder Sarfaraz Alam.

Alam highlighted essential developments within the logistics industry in China and how technology can meet the varying demands and challenges arising from ongoing progression.

“The Chinese government’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), also known as the New Silk Road, is evolving the paradigm for logistics industry worldwide by paving the way for the global logistics and transportation network to connect with other countries. Strategic ports are being paired up with rail networks to develop a new logistics “hub and spoke” framework that focusses on end-to-end delivery while optimizing trade routes by embedding logistics and supply chain through docks, yards, and terminals,” he commented.

Sarfaraz also discussed how emerging technologies such as Fintech can help transform logistics businesses by digitalizing and streamlining payment processes and optimizing cash flow.

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