UAE Emerging As The Next Digital Powerhouse

Marketing Team
News & Insights
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With an influx of government incentives and an economy that is predicted to grow exponentially, it is no surprise that UAE is considered an entrepreneur’s dream and the perfect place for startups with initiatives that foster innovation and integration of evolving technologies. Dubai’s digital economy is ascending the success graph, providing business owners with greater opportunities.

Sarfaraz Alam, CEO, and co-founder of HashMove spoke with Inayat–ur-Rahman of The Gulf Today, in a comprehensive and highly insightful interview where he discusses how UAE will become the most significant logistics capital in the next few years.

“The following year will usher in the fulfillment of the goal to build an enduring physical and digital infrastructure for global multimodal logistics hubs in Dubai South. A digitalized approach will provide the foundation for initiatives such as HashMove’s Logistics Marketplace, AI and Blockchain that will promote simple, safe and secure transactions. Smart Cities with their digital innovation will bring in economic opportunities. Additionally, Expo 2020 through collaboration, connectivity, and innovation will be immensely conducive for the region.”

To read more about how HashMove is transforming smart cities and the challenges and possibilities that await the region in 2019 click

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