HashMove Unveils Carbon Footprint Monitoring Solution

Marketing Team
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The world is facing a critical juncture. Climate change is a pressing concern, and businesses have a responsibility to operate sustainably. At HashMove, we've always believed that progress and sustainability can go hand in hand. That's why we're committed to building a future where logistics doesn't cost the Earth.

Our journey towards greener logistics began with a simple observation: traditional paper-based systems and inefficient transportation routes contribute significantly to the industry's environmental footprint. We tackled this head-on by digitizing documents, eliminating unnecessary paper waste, and streamlining communication through our platform. We further reduced the environmental impact by consolidating logistics processes, saving time and resources.

We realized that internal efficiencies were just the first step. Accurately measuring external Scope 3 emissions, crucial for logistics, proved difficult due to complex supply chains and limited data. For businesses, limited visibility into upstream and downstream activities make it difficult to get a comprehensive overview of their entire carbon footprint. Traditional methods make it difficult to track emissions across your entire value chain, hindering efforts to make meaningful sustainability improvements.

So we knew we could do more. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our groundbreaking Carbon Footprint Monitoring feature! This powerful tool empowers businesses to gain complete visibility into their carbon footprint across all transportation modes – sea, air, road, and rail. Get the details you need, from footprint by mode to monthly emissions and even potential savings.

Our footprint tracking goes beyond simple monitoring. We provide granular data at the booking level, allowing you to make informed decisions and choose freight options with a lower carbon footprint. This empowers you to optimize your supply chain for the planet, reducing environmental impact without sacrificing efficiency or cost-effectiveness.

We also understand that your business needs a holistic view of your emissions. Therefore, our comprehensive carbon dashboards help consolidate your carbon footprint, condensing it into actionable insights. Our simulator dashboards help you change variables to explore “what if" scenarios that help you determine which operational changes will reduce your carbon emissions the most.

We understand that achieving complete carbon neutrality can be a complex challenge. That's why we're working closely with you to help you easily offset your emissions directly over our platform. We help you connect with leading regional and international NGOs that champion carbon offset projects and resonate with your organization. By integrating them with our platform, we empower you with a one-window solution allowing you to instantly offset your emissions. 

We’ve envisioned a future where sustainable practices are integrated seamlessly into your supply chain. With HashMove's carbon solutions, you can gain valuable insights, optimize your logistics for lower emissions, and effortlessly offset your remaining carbon footprint – all within a single platform. Let’s work together to build a greener future, one shipment at a time

If you’re interested in exploring how HashMove can help you build a more sustainable supply chain, you can contact us at info@hashmove.com for a free consultation session.

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